Thursday, April 21, 2011

LOVE is Here...

Well, I mentioned in my earlier post that I'd probably share one of my favorite Tenth Avenue North songs for Fave Song Friday. Here it is - playing over the music player now! I originally wanted to share their song You Are More with you. Look it up and check it out. I wasn't able to add that one to my playlist, though.
The song Love is Here is also one of my favorites of theirs, and it seemed pretty appropriate for Easter weekend.
Easter is, without a doubt, one of my favorite holidays. It means new life now. It means new life for eternity, thanks to our Savior who became sin for us, was buried and sealed up in a tomb, then rose again after three days time and lives TODAY. RIGHT NOW. Love is HERE with us. It is within reach. We just have to believe in Him. It is so simple, yet it seems so hard for some people to grasp.
If you are reading this blog today and do not know for sure if you died right at this moment where you would spend eternity - let me help you! I was blessed to have someone share that with me, and I would love to share it with you.
Christians are the only people who have the privilege of serving, worshiping and praying to a God (capital G) who is ALIVE. He's not dead - He's risen, as He said. Visit the tomb today and you will not find a body lying inside. He is alive and well, Friend! Accept Him today and experience His Love. It is HERE NOW.

Hope everyone has a sunny and happy Easter!


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