Tuesday, January 11, 2011

He already knew.

Have you ever sat down and really let this fact sink in - No matter what we are concerned about or what questions we have about a particular issue..."What will the results be?", "What's going to happen?", "What should I do?"...HE already knows the answer. HE is never surprised by anything. In fact, HE planned it all. I thought of this recently, due to the fact that my sweet Aunt Linda was going for some test results that could've been potentially upsetting. Praise the Lord, He heard our prayers and saw fit to give me and the rest of my family our desire which was that she would be cancer-free! What a wonderful, understanding and MIGHTY God we serve. I, myself, have had some personal issues and difficulties to pray about lately where I have wondered "What should I do?" How wonderful it is to know (though aggravating sometimes) that HE knows what I should do and HE will tell me when the time is right. I told my mom the other day, "I just wish, sometimes, that we could get an audible and direct answer from God." Truth is we always do get a direct answer. At times it is just WAIT, and I will let you know when you need to know. And grrrrr....I think I am the most impatient person in the world! Hopefully throughout 2011 I will learn to be more patient and WAIT on the Lord. His way is best...His timing is perfect.

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